Eligibility Requirements & Funding Criteria
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak and economic fallout, this funding can be used for organizational needs as well as for direct client assistance for food and household supplies, rent or mortgage assistance, utility assistance, child care for essential works and other emergent needs.  Organizations may apply for a second round of funding if essential needs arise and can be demonstrated.  In order to apply, organizations must:
  • Be recognized by the IRS as a non-profit under IRS code 501(c)3. 
  • Serve Jefferson County and/or Switzerland County residents.
  • Provide direct client services or have an emergent organizational need. 
  • Maintain proof of use of funds via receipts, photos, etc.
  • Be able to complete final report of outcomes and impact. 
  • Provide a success story for your program (if possible with appropriate releases and photos).
  • Engage in a COVID-19 call with Relief Fund Committee if requested.
  • Capability of tracking number of volunteers and volunteer hours.
 If you have questions, please call Sheila at 812-265-2036.
In the event of a denial of the emergency funding request: 
  • The Executive Director will notify the applicant via email within 24 hours of the Board’s decision.
In the event of approval of the emergency funding request:
  • The Executive Director will notify the applicant via email or phone call within 24 hours of the Board’s decision and will outline the details of the funding.
  • The Executive Director will disburse payment to the recipient by writing a check to be mailed ASAP or arranging a pick-up time in the office.
  • Please thoroughly complete each section and submit

Eligibility Requirements & Funding Criteria In response to the COVID-19 outbreak and economic fallout, this funding can be used for organizational needs as well as for direct client assistance for food and household supplies, rent or mortgage assistance, utility assistance, child care for essential works and other emergent needs. Organizations may apply for a second round of funding if essential needs arise and can be demonstrated. In order to apply, organizations must: Be recognized by the IRS as a non-profit under IRS code 501(c)3. Serve Jefferson County and/or Switzerland County residents. Provide direct client services or have an emergent organizational need. Maintain proof of use of funds via receipts, photos, etc. Be able to complete final report of outcomes and impact. Provide a success story for your program (if possible with appropriate releases and photos). Engage in a COVID-19 call with Relief Fund Committee if requested. Capability of tracking number of volunteers and volunteer hours. Submission Please submit the completed application to Sheila Coffin at If you have questions, please call Sheila at 812-265-2036. In the event of a denial of the emergency funding request: The Executive Director will notify the applicant via email within 24 hours of the Board’s decision. In the event of approval of the emergency funding request: The Executive Director will notify the applicant via email or phone call within 24 hours of the Board’s decision and will outline the details of the funding. The Executive Director will disburse payment to the recipient by writing a check to be mailed ASAP or arranging a pick-up time in the office. Please thoroughly complete each section and submit via email (

Eligibility Requirements

Based upon the charitable structure of the COVID-19 Relief Fund, our grants are limited to 501c3 nonprofit organizations, groups fiscally sponsored by a 501c3 nonprofit organization, or other charitable organizations able to receive a tax-deductible contribution, such as schools, faith-based organizations, and other public entities.

Our agency/program meets the requirements listed above to receive relief funds:

Based upon your selection above you do not meet the requirements for our COVID-19 relief funding. If you think your agency/program might still be eligible you can email our office for further details and questions.

Please click here to exit the application.
Contact Information
Program Details

•Please note, additional information may be requested, a final report must be submitted.

Relief Fund Agreement

Jefferson County United Way(JCUW) has created a Relief Fund for COVID-19 related issues for local non-profits. JCUW is honored to partner with you to help our community during this time of need.

If awarded funds, as a grantee, we agree to the following:

  • Grantee shall expend the funds exclusively to provide relief and immediate aid to those affected by COVID-19 or to assist organizational structure affected by COVID-19.
  • Grantee agrees to return any part of the grant funds not used for the stated purpose of this grant.
  • Grantee agrees to provide a report to JCUW on the use of these funds with a description of the assistance provided to those affected by COVID-19 along with at least one story and photos (if appropriate).
  • Grantee shall maintain an accurate accounting record and retain records of disbursements related to the expenditure of grant funds. This information may be required in your final report to JCUW.
  • Grantee shall notify Sheila Coffin, Executive Director of JCUW, for technical assistance or to address challenges in deploying these resources. Sheila can be reached at 812-265-2036 or by email at jcunitedway@gmail.
  • Grantee shall acknowledge Jefferson County United Way as a partner in these efforts. Please contact Sheila at the above email address for a digital logo for JCUW.


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